Monday, November 22, 2010

Massage Community

Aimee has closed the "Portland LMTs Connect" Meetup Group. There is a "Massage Therapist Club" Meetup Group based in Portland, Oregon, open to all.
On Tuesday, November 9th a group of us met to discuss what we want in a massage community. It was a fun potluck. We discussed our top priority need in the massage community and we scheduled trades with each other. We decided to call ourselves the Massage Guild. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

I've been thinking about the Massage Guild. Rather than having it be a lot of work and pressure on us trying to make things happen, like a directory and a union and a temp service and a website and, and, and..., we could focus on spending time together and getting what we need like trades and potlucks and just talking about stuff. Letting that flush itself out, maybe we'll grow and naturally these things that we need and desire will start to come together.

I know I have enough on my plate and often just need some fun time (potlucks) with good people and TLC on the table. I think as a group we would grow because other LMTs need those things as well. Once we are larger and have a rhythm we could branch out into making things happen.

What do you think?

Here's a link to a Massage Guild in Maine

Next Massage Guild meeting: 
Tuesday, December 7th, 7:30pm, at my house. 

Spread the word.
Contact me at 503-442-7177


Monday, November 15, 2010


Things are changing quickly since signing the lease. I'm officially the responsible party at 2311 E. Burnside starting December 1st, 2010. There are (or will be) 4 LMTs total using the space. We run it as a collective. Everyone gets to have their say and we all take respoinsibility for stuff that needs to be done. Stuff like deciding on the 4th person to join us in the space.

Good things are happening with my professional life:
My clientele is growing. In addition to Fridays I will offer Wednesday appointments beginning in December (January with Online Booking) at the Burnside location.

My regular clients are asking for more shiatsu and energy work, which I love to give. I have a few new clients each month. I'm doing more trades with other LMTs and taking better care of myself both physically, emotionally and energetically.

Taking better care of myself with regular massage, counseling, chi kung (of course), meditation, walking and chiropractic adjustments. My goal is to incorporate at least an hour each day to relax and one day each week to restore/relax.

I do need more fun in my life. Funny movies, dinner with friends, games, rough housing, ambling bike rides with a friend, travel outside of Portland, live music, creating stuff.

I have a lot of great support for all the changes in both in my professional and personal life. I've started a meditation practice which I never had the patience for in the past. It seems to be helping my personal growth a lot.

I'm enjoying taking pictures of the sky this fall

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Massage Community

Re-post of an email Aimee Perkins sent out.

Hello Ya'll,

My dream for creating an extensive massage community is still strong and alive.  Here is a list of what I believe our community is in need of:

An Union - so we are getting paid what we are worth and not being forced to work more than our bodies are capable of. I think this would also include educating spa owners and chiropractors of limitations and how physical our profession is.

An Association ( Oregon Chapter) - where as a group we could get a group discount on health Insurance.
Check out NAMASTA that offers discounts for yoga and massage professionals. 
The National Association of Massage Therapists offers liability insurance, slip and fall,($89.95) and a discount health plan at an additional cost.

A Temp Service  - We work at small chiropractors office and spas that in are need of coverage when we are sick and want to go on vacation.  This task usually falls on us since our employers do not know how to find these temps.

A Directory - Be nice to have a directory based on modalities/ specialities. Maybe an online directory where a client can put in modality and zip code.  Or a central phone number for booking massage therapists in the Portland metro area by modality and zip code and availability.

A Web Site - A web site for Portland Metro Massage therapists with a similar format as Craigslist but with categories of; equipment for sale, massage trades, rooms for rent etc...

These are the thoughts that run through my head and would like to start putting them into action but I am so overwhelmed and not sure where to start.  Here is my plan.  I am holding a potluck and looking for people to be on committees for the above needs and whatever else you might think we are in need of.  I want to hold monthly meetings/potlucks to report to the community progress and to keep us on track/accountability. I am thinking the second Tuesday of the month.  Come meet other LMT's and get jazzed about being a part of this fabulous profession.  Please RSVP so I know how large of a venue I need.  Put it on your calendar November 9th 6:30-9:00pm. 

MASSAGE TECHNIQUES- As some of you know I have held groups where we focus on a certain body parts and each show our own special techniques of loosening that muscle group and get CEU's on top of it.  Is there a class that you just took and would love to share what you learned with us?  Or just want to lead a Massage Technique group?  Let me know.  You can find the schedule on meetup.  You need to join meet up which is free and sign up for Portland LMTS Connect.  Easy to do and a great way for automatic reminders etc.. Please join to stay abreast and email if you want to add something on the calendar.

Look forward to seeing you all soon and I am blessed to know you all. Please feel free to forward this on.



Incredible what these guys do with their bodies. Love it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Signed the lease, 2311 E. Burnside!

Signed a one year lease yesterday for the Burnside location of my practice. 
Starting officially in December 2010!

It was an easy transition. Melanie, the former tenant, held the lease for the past 5 years. She is now pregnant and halting her massage practice temporarily. Initially, I was afraid to take over the lease. It is a responsibility financially, a commitment to a place (Portland) and a risk to have sub-letters. 

I've been a massage therapist for 1 year. I am currently working from my own practice one day per week as a supplement to my main income as an employee at a chiropractic office. 

This feels like a step toward my goal: to be primarily self-employed. If all goes well I will add a day to my practice in January 2011.

2311 East Burnside St.

Room 201