Sunday, October 4, 2009

OBMT Practical Exam

I took the Oregon Massage Practical Exam this past Tuesday, Sept. 29th, 2009.

I'll admit I crammed. I picked up my pathology notes and kinesiology flash cards 2 days prior to the exam and was surprised to find that some of the pathologies on the OBMT list were not covered at my school!  I hurried online and got most of the info I needed.

About a week prior to the test I invited Margaret over for a massage and she (a new LMT in OR) gave me the low down on the test. Oh, and I finished the Jurisprudence exam the night before the practical while watching the old Ellen show on youtube. Embarassing, I know, but she is so funny compared to rules and regulations about massage.

The day of the exam I arrived in Salem to take the test about 45 minutes early.  This gave me plenty of time to study and freak out in the parking lot.  Looking back I see how much I was trying to convince myself I wasn't nervous.

The office was very professional and the woman at the desk was uninterested in me as I attempted to make a good impression.  I also made the mistake of asking if I could study while I waited for the test. She looked at me and said, "you're done studying". Yes, yes, I am I thought.  I drew the muscles I would present from a "hat" and tried to remember where flexor pollicis longus was and what were the actions of the glutes medius. I've often confused the actions of the glutes med, min and maximus.  As I waited, I stood there and felt my glutes trying to determine the actions feeling increasingly awkward, unsure of myself and scared (but I didn't want to admit it).

For those of you who don't know the OBMT practical exam is given in 50 minutes by 3 examiners: a client, a questioner and an observer.  The client came out to greet me and I immediately felt better. She seemed more real (and relaxed) than any of the other people in the office. She took me to the exam room and read from a piece of paper to show me the items in the room.  I put the face cradle on the floor to prepare the table and she kindly let me know that the floor was not sanitary and that the table was.  I'm not sure, but I don't think she was supposed to let me know that, I think she was helping me out.

When the other 2 examiners came into the room they were distant, cold and didn't connect with me other than a cursory hello.  The questioner read from a script as the observer jotted and sighed whenever I answered a question.  The pathology they asked me about was pregnancy which I had just glanced over the night before.  After the exam I remembered all sorts of things I could have said, but I felt really stupid at that moment.  I ummmed and choked out the words about contraindications and indications.  I asked her to repeat just about every other question.

After some range of motion with my clients wrist I was asked to talk about Shiatsu (my choosen modality) to my client.  As I began to talk about energy flow aka "chi" I got a faint "uh-oh" look from my client, I quickly included the muscle and body systems benefits and my clients face began to relax.  

I was told demonstrate 10 minutes of Shiatsu on my client.  I made sure to check in with her about pressure and her comfort level.  I gave her a blanket proceeded to begin the opening sequence of short form Shiatsu.  As I was rocking her low back I panicked and didn't do the form in the correct order (plus I had to leave certain things out because I've heard they don't want me to get up on the table).  It took a few seconds to regain my composure and just keep going, giving it my best.  I focused most on her neck and shoulders and was able to finish both arms before time ran out and the massage was abruptly stopped.

It was awkward, so awkward.  In retrospect, I would have smiled more, just to keep my spirits up.  We went out in the hall so my client could undress and get on the table.  I was to demonstrate a breast drape and show muscle location on my client.  The breast drape was scary, but I took it slowly and did well.  Again, I think my client helped me a little.  The observer just gave me a pitied look (or so my scared ego thought).

Next came the Kinesiology part of the exam: showing the origin and insertion of the chosen muscles and showing their actions. I was sooooooo nervous.  Some of the muscles I didn't demonstrate very confidently and I felt I wasn't sure about how to demonstrate their exact location and/or action.  I didn't feel prepared enough and I wished I had studied more in advance.  I think I got cocky from doing so well on the written without much studying.  Now I know, for myself in a situation like the practical exam, I need to know my stuff inside and out.

They abruptly told me the exam was over and I swear my jaw dropped to the floor.  I don't know how much time I had remaining, but I thought they must be mistaken.  I asked, "what about the pathology part of the exam"?  The questioner was about to answer me and they remembered her role and just repeated the same sentence about the exam being over.  I thanked them and left feeling very confused, disoriented and disappointed in myself.

I gathered my things from the front desk and it hit me...I must have failed.  I got in the car and immediately called a friend and blurted out, "I think I FAILED!"  He calmed me down and tried to talk me out of my craziness.  "You didn't fail, and if you did you can learn something from it and take it again," he said.  The whole car ride home I went back and forth between "I'm fine either way" and "oh shit what if I failed".  About half way home I realized the pregnancy questions was the pathology part and I laughed at myself as I beat myself up for asking, "what about the pathology...". 

It wasn't until Saturday when the mail arrived that I knew I passed.  I think deep down I knew I passed, but my mind wouldn't listen and just chill out. That evening I went out to dinner with a friend and just have been feeling great.  It makes me so happy to know I jumped through all the hoops and have created a career for myself. 

I've learned a lot about myself from the exam experience.  Thank you to my great friends who talk me out of being abusive to myself :)

The license application goes in the mail on Monday.  I still have to be patient until I'm officially an LMT.  I'm so excited!



  1. Reading this has been SO helpful to me. Thank you for posting your experience. I'm waiting for my exam date and am a bit nerved out about taking the Practical Exam.

    Connie Joy
    Gilchrist, OR

  2. Thank you, I've been stressed, barely sleeping & studying tons. I take it this Tuesday.

    Susannah Skye

  3. Interesting story. I can hardly wait until I am doing the same back and forth I failed, I did fine conversation with myself.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. just what i needed to read! thanks for sharing. i'm taking my practical on march 13th. i've been licensed in florida since 2008,but never had to take a practical! so thanks again!!

  5. I just took the practical exam and I'm going back and forth between being sure I failed and thinking there is a chance I might have passed. I did my training in another state and people from out of state have a much lower pass rate than in-state people. I think I did ok on the kinesiology and pathology portions, but some of the other questions they asked I just choked even though they were really easy and straight forward. It should have been the easy part but I guess because I focused my studying so much on kinesiology and pathology I forgot to think about some of the basics. I normally do really well on exams and presentations...but this time I really felt like a deer in the headlights. Nothing to do but wait now! Thanks for this blog though. It helps to hear someone else's experience while I wait in suspense for the next few days.

    1. I also will be taking the exam soon and I'm coming from out of state. Do you have any specifics on what you were asked? I appreciate hearing other people's experiences and that I'm not the only one nervous. Hope all turned out OK!

  6. Great post! I am an Oregon massage instructor and I have a website that is a great resource for anyone who needs to pass their boards. Feel free to visit it at

  7. Thought one had to apply before taking the practical?

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I have been jumping through the OR hoops for over a year now and I finally have been accepted to take the practical, I'm a confident practitioner and have been for years but all these hoops and added tests can really make you doubt yourself. I feel far more confident now though, thanks to you.
